Becoming an Oil and Gas Engineer

The oil and gas industry is one of the few industries that with ever-increasing job opportunities can not keep up with demand. As a result, the oil and gas sector is inundated with new contracts every day. Wood Group, one of the leading international energy services companies employ over 29,000 people worldwide, and still growing.

Let's talk

Here are some (and these are just a few) of the benefits to contracting as an Oil and Gas engineer Renewable Energy Engineer:

  • Higher rates of pay: This is only fair as unlike permanent employees, you do not get holiday or sick pay, giving you a greater chance to negotiate a higher rate of pay.
  • Prospects: There is an endless supply of contracts, as demand for oil and gas is struggling to be met.
  • Experience: The more contracts you take on the greater your practical and managerial skills. Giving you a wider choice of projects and the ability to charge higher daily rates
  • Freedom: You can choose which contracts you take on and the length of time your contract is.
  • Experience: The more contracts you take on the greater your practical and managerial skills. Giving you a wider choice of projects and the ability to charge higher daily rate.
  • Bonhomie’ among the colleagues: If you take a contract on an oil rig, you tend to see the same faces every day and they soon become your extended family. You can bank on them for all your needs.

Contracting as an Oil and Gas Engineer puts a whole new spin on the client, employee, and relationship. Your role is to come into an organisation as the ‘industry expert’, which is not only a nice position to be in, it also adds to your credibility as an industry professional, widens your experience further and helps increase your daily rate.

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Interested in finding out more? Speak with our expert Sales Team to see how we can work together.

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